‘M’ for ‘Minorities’

It seems that most of Magda’s favorite photography subjects during our trip start with letter ‘M’. Among them you can find ‘M&Ms’, ‘Monks’ and ‘Marcin’ (I hope). Usually we agree that these things are worth taking a photo of. But there is one M-word that awakes in us completely opposite feelings. It makes me feelContinue reading “‘M’ for ‘Minorities’”

Vietnamese Motorcycle Diaries

1/11/2011, 5:30am: our sleeping bus arrives in Hekou, a border Chinese town with a distinct Vietnamese influence. The Chinese-Vietnamese border opens at 8am, which means we have to kill some time in the early hours when everything is closed. Only elderly Chinese, or maybe Vietnamese, cannot sleep and do their morning jogging and stretching atContinue reading “Vietnamese Motorcycle Diaries”

Cormorants Under the Blue Sky of Yunnan

The last Chinese province on our itinerary waiting to be explored after Hong Kong and Macau was Yunnan. There was a brief thought of my other half to skip it and head off to Vietnam, but that would be clearly a deadly sin we would never forgive ourselves. For some travellers, Yunnan with its 25Continue reading “Cormorants Under the Blue Sky of Yunnan”